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Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find the answers to the questions we get asked the most about our organization and about donating to our cause. 

FFEC is a non-profit organization that works to provide nutritious meals to hungry children worldwide. Through our donors and partners, we conduct feeding and medical programs and establish food banks in impoverished and disadvantaged communities.

FFEC does what it can with the resources available to provide nutritious meals to starving children. However, we need your support to expand our reach and feed more hungry children. There is much work to be done to achieve the goal of eradicating global child hunger.

FFEC conducts feeding and medical programs targeting malnourished children. We also provide nutrition education to parents and children to ultimately improve their diets and overall health. FFEC adopts certain communities and closely monitors children’s health for the duration of our specialized programs.

Your donations primarily go towards acquiring food that will be used during our programs and for distribution to established food banks. We strive to be as transparent and efficient as possible in using the resources you give to us. FFEC is audited annually, and our financial records are available to the public.

Ninety percent of our expended resources support our programs and outreach activities. Ten percent of expended resources go toward administrative and fundraising expenditures. We conform to the highest accounting and financial standards.

Donations to our organization support our various programs in several countries worldwide.

Our programs include but are not limited to feeding programs, medical missions, food banks, disaster response, and nutrition education.

Individuals, companies, foundations, and other organizations support FFEC and its programs.

FFEC is a nonsectarian organization. FFEC is not affiliated with any particular political, religious, or any other belief systems.

Ninety percent of FFEC’s expended resources go directly to our aid efforts in communities worldwide. The remaining 10 percent goes to overhead costs, which include fundraising costs like marketing, staffing, logistics, and other administrative tasks. We keep our expenses as low as possible by diligently seeking the most competitive rates for such services.

Bowls are perfect for small children, regardless of what food we serve, rice dishes or soup, the bowl ensures that the food stays in the bowl and does end up on the floor or the table. They are made out of high quality plastic, so they can be reused time over time.

At Food For Every Child, we take great pride in branding our shirts, bowls, and other items because it serves as a powerful symbol of unity and solidarity in our mission to end child hunger. By branding these items, we aim to create a sense of community and raise awareness about the pressing issue of child hunger.

By branding our shirts, bowls, and other items, we harness the power of collective action and create a visual representation of our shared commitment to ending child hunger. It is a symbol of hope, unity, and the belief that together, we can make a lasting impact in the lives of vulnerable children and build a brighter future for all.

If you have questions not answered above, please feel free to contact us through our contact form, phone number, or address.